Garden Clearance Can Save You from Dangerous Insects

Garden is a little paradise in a home. Residents get together in there and have some moments of good time. But these moments can be affected by the dangers of insect infection. Yes it is possible of being stung by a bee or receiving a not very friendly bite from a possibly poisonous spider during drinking a sweet cup of tea.

It is not so unusual to see many insects living in the garden. Some of them like ladybugs, crickets and caterpillars are harmless and human friendly. Other like spiders and bees do some services too but they can be dangerous to people as well. The best way to keep them checked is clearing garden waste and if you cannot find time to do then hire services of garden clearance. In Surrey you can do such services as well.


Mosquitos are native habitants of a garden. Buzzing and whining all the day, mosquitos are especially abundant if the waste of the garden is not cleared on time. The pile of fallen leaves and other garden waste do not only provide them the hideout but also a place to carry the germs of different diseases that they can easily pass on to the people living in the house. To prevent one’s self from such situation, clearing the waste of garden is a good idea.


Spiders are healthy for gardens too as they prey the harmful insects hurting the plants in the garden. But one cannot leave a whole army of spiders in the garden as no one knows how dangerous they can be for humans living around the garden. Some spiders are even deadly. Not all of us are Arachnologists, we don’t know which spider is good and which one is bad for us. So just to save yourself you have to take measures to avoid a deadly bite from a little eight-legged fellow. Killing natural life is a terrorist act. No matter how small they are no one could or should suggest murdering these helpless insects.

All one can do is to keep the garden free of waste through garden clearance services in Surrey, so that everything in the garden, little or big can be seen easily.


Ants come for food wherever they can smell that. Rotting flower petals and leaves can invite colonies of ants to the garden. Some of the ants are so allergic that they can cause severe infections to whoever is unfortunate enough to receive a bite from them.


Bees come to garden whether there is waste or no waste. This is where they supposed to be and no one can and should stop them because of their importance to garden and to the whole eco system. But they do sting, don’t they? So less waste in the garden can save you from these stinging bees as in less waste around one can spot a bee and get away from there. But with piles of waste around, there is a lot likelihood of someone getting stung by the bees because of unawareness of their presence.

Killing insects is not always the solution rather sometimes becomes problematic for your garden. Keeping it clean on the other hand can save your hands from blood of innocent insects and you from being infected from them.
